Today we transplanted lots of our baby plants. Jean and Carol asked us today whether we had been suckered into setting plants out - the weather had been great for a while, and (predictably, given Alabama's capricious climate) now a cold snap's hit us, with lows in the low thirties for a few days. There's a reason our frost date is in the middle of April. Hopefully, this week'll be the last of near-freezing temperatures. So we spent a couple of hours today covering up the few peppers and tomatoes and squashes and cukes that we were foolish enough to plant. We're hoping for the best.
Also, an armadillo fell into our dry well. We're lowering him food and water and trying to figure out how in the world we'll get him out. Can armadillos climb?
Just set a beer on the edge of the well to get that armadillo out. My uncle fell down his well one time, we just set a tall boy of Busch Lite on the edge and he looked like a spider monkey coming out of that hole. If that doesn't work, well, I don't know what else you can try.
That sounds like a good strategy!
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